Include the following details (edit as applicable):
- Issue category: ARDK Migration
- Device type & OS version: Android 10
- Host machine & OS version: Windows
- Issue Environment : On Device
- ARDK version:2.3.1
- Unity version:2021.3.8f1
Description of the issue:when i finished migrating my project from 2.1 to ardk 2.3 after building the app to the device i am getting this problem if i revert back to 2.1 am not getting this issue.This happens when i build the app in android and with log cat. the full error is as below
Error Unity Exception: System.DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL ‘System.Native’. Tried the load the following dynamic libraries: Unable to load dynamic library ‘System.Native’ because of 'Failed to open the requested dynamic library (0x06000000) dlerror() = dlopen failed: library “System.Native” not found