ARDK3 , Meshing keeps crashing

  • ARDK version: 3 Beta 4
  • Unity version: 2021.29 LTS

Issue: Unity keeps crashing when using Playback & Live Meshing. How to reproduce:

Create Unity 2021.29 Project with 3D Core
Import ARDK3 Beta 4 & Multiplayer & Sample scenes
Create a new Scene and include meshing as shown.
Setup Lightship playback
Switch between Edit and Game mode multiple times.

Hi Tobias,

Thank you for reporting this! Could you share the crash log and the other files Unity is trying to send in as a crash report?

Kind Regards,
Maverick L.

Hi @Maverick_Niantic , sorry for the late answer. I uploaded the whole Project here:

Still experiencing this issue, some projects seem to have it, some don’t.

Hope to get some feedback on how to fix it :slight_smile:


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The issue seems to be when first switching the platform and then install ARDK. If you do it vice versa it’ll be fine!

Are you able to run your project without crashing now? If so, I’ll make a note of the bug regarding installing Lightship after switching the platform so this can get resolved.

Yes it works now. The install order as of right now can cause a crash.

I’m glad you were able to get it resolved! I’ll make a note of the cause of the crash. Thank you!

I have a same issue on ARDK3 release with mac m1. Play always crash for second start, and if I disable meshing it shown black screen always. Changing files to play, any attempts doesn’t work.

Did you try the solution above? For me the issue was that I did not install the ARDK3 in the correct order. So first install ARDK , then set your platform to android or ios

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Thanks a lot for finding that I was stuck for ages. (I wasnt meshing) I was just wanting to be able to localise and use the playback, but I think it is that I have installed in the wrong order!! 2021.3.29f1

After uploading 10 scans and reactivating the Wayspot, I encounter an issue where, despite completing all the processing steps, I am unable to download the mesh. The mesh remains active with experimental quality, and upon attempting to download it, an error message stating ‘An error occurred while downloading’ appears.
hope someone knows solution

Hi @techdesignfriend1!

This isn’t the proper place to receive support for your Wayspot. Please send us an email with your full Wayspot ID at from the email address associated with your Lightship account so we can investigate this further.

Thank you!