Include the following details while filing a bug report (edit as applicable):
- Issue category: Meshing
- Device type & OS version: iOS iPhone 12 Pro Max
- Host machine & OS version: Mac
- Issue Environment : On Device
- Xcode version: 13.1
- ARDK version: 0.11.0 then updated to 1.0.1
- Unity version: Unity 2021.2.0f1
Bug reproduction steps:
I’m finding that my game is silently freezing on the device after a few minutes. No errors or anything, it just freezes up. I’ve previously found that it seemed to be related to meshing and that reducing the “Target Frame Rate” (it’s currently at 10) in the ARMeshManager helped fix this in the past… but that doesn’t seem to be fixing it any more (even on versions of my code where it did in the past, which is odd… I get the feeling I might have just gotten lucky before and not had it trigger by not testing for long enough at points).
When going back through versions of my code, I’ve found that it seems to be related to when the ARDK moved from v0.0.9 to v0.0.10. When I switch my current project with all the latest code from the latest version of Lightship back to v0.0.9, the freezing doesn’t seem to happen.
I’ve also noticed that items generate much less frequently on the v0.0.9 mesh, so I wonder if that is preventing the issue — maybe less items is preventing it from crashing somehow… but I do have things in place to limit the number of items generated and still find the same freezing occurs.
Does anyone know if anything in particular changed around the meshing functionality between v0.0.9 and v0.0.10 which might require me to change how I generate items onto the mesh?
I’ve not received any errors coming up or anything like that (funnily enough, it’s why I originally raised this question on the forums - Best way to debug crashes?). Haven’t been able to find anything in particular yet about what’s causing the freezes no matter what I do, so help would be much appreciated!