Chunks of mesh disappearing at times

iPhone 13 Pro OS latest
XCode 16
ARDK 3.1
Unity 2022.3.37

Hello, I’ve recently upgraded my app from ARDK 1 to ARDK 3 - and the meshing seems to be a little less stable. The app has always left the meshing turned on so that players can refine the mesh as they move around the room and the play moves from one area to another -
and this has always felt pretty solid -
since the update to ARDK 3 I’ve noticed that objects are occasionally disappearing completely -
like in the video you can see that the Snailien is on a box but then suddenly seems to lose its position - when i switch the mesh material you can see that the box it was on has vanished.

I’m wondering if there are tweaks to my settings you can suggest that might improve this - or if it could be down to dropping frames etc?

Does anybody have any ideas about this? I’m actually finding it happening quite regularly - along the lines of 30% of the time I mesh what is in front of me and some quite big error occurs in the meshing - if not straight away then quite soon after - besides things disappearing as above i’m noticing surfaces either starting or moving below where they should be like 20cm below - sometimes fixing themselves and sometimes not…

Hi Ross,

Thanks for reaching out. I see that you listed ARDK 3.1 as the current version you’re on. I would first recommend upgrading to the latest version which would be 3.12, try meshing again, and see if this solves the issue.

ok yes i’m actually on 3.11 - will update to the latest version - i guess what i should check is if it happens in the ARDK meshing sample - i noticed that if i keep quitting the app and restarting then the meshing performance seems to deteriorate - but will test on latest

Hi Ross,

Have you had a chance to test out the ARDK meshing sample?