Include the following details (edit as applicable):
- Issue category: Developer Tools /
- Device type & OS version: OS
- Host machine & OS version: Mac
- Issue Environment : On Device / Dev Portal
- Xcode version:13
- ARDK version:3.4
- Unity version:2022.3.33f1
Description of the issue:
Ligthship Simulation can’t generate mesh in testing environment.
Used NormalMeshes scene from Lightship Samples.
Instructions from the below link applied:
Hi Grzegorz,
Are you only seeing this issue while in the Simulation? What about when you deploy your app to your device? Do you have an AROcclusionManager in your scene? It’s a requirement for meshing to function.
Kind regards,
Maverick L.
I can’t build this to test on the device. Xcode throws a warning and doesn’t finish the build process:
“Run script build phase ‘Run Script’ will be run during every build because it does not specify any outputs. To address this warning, either add output dependencies to the script phase, or configure it to run in every build by unchecking “Based on dependency analysis” in the script phase.”
It works perfect on playback using recording (see below picture). Adding AROcclusionManager didn’t help. Only thing I noticed that with AROcclusion mesh is worse (when using playback). It dissapears sometimes.
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Hi Grzegorz,
For the Xcode related issues: I would close out of Xcode and perform a clean of the build files. Before generating a new build, make sure you have followed all the instructions here:
The AROcclusionManager is a requirement for meshing to work. To stop the mesh from being occluded, change the Occlusion Preference Mode
to NoOcclusion
under the options in the Inspector for the AROcclusionManager.
Are you seeing any error messages or warnings in the console when you run the Simulation? If so, please share them here. What does your simulation environment look like in the Inspector?
Maverick L.
I have warinings related only to WPS positioning which I don’t use anyway.
When I turned off the occlusion /I noticed that 3D objects are not occluded together with the mesh. Do you know how can I switch off occlusion only to mesh but keep it working to other 3D objects?
I have this (see the blue cube which half should be under the ground).
But I want this. Now (with occlusion turned on), the cube is covered by the ground but mesh does not work well (dissapears/reset from time ti time):
Hi Grzegorz,
Lightship’s Occlusion Extension just might be what you’re looking for! Check out our documentation on it here: Your blue cube would be the principal ocludee. Let me know how it goes!
Maverick L.
Hi all,
I have the same problem that meshing works perfectly on playbacks but not on XR simulation. I really want to make it work in XR simulation since I want to test a still viewpoint case. It throws the following errors:
I’m using the default simulation environment and have the AROcclusionManager in the scene.
I build a simple app by which I can spawn small cubes on top of mesh, 3D object and environment. It works fine when using recording. When using simulation the 3D environment is not recognized. See below picture.
Lightship simulation is enabled. Please notice that I can’t place anything on table and occlusion doesn’t work as only half of the cube should be visible.
Using recording (I can place green cubes on mesh and small red cubes on the environment):
Question: Whether the 3D content which lightship simulation use should be loaded to the scene hierarchy? The only place where I have it is a prefab in lightship project settings
Hello! We apologize for the delay. Can you send screenshots of your hierarchy in the simulated environment prefab? Is the object not being interacted with at all while using simulation?
Below you can see hierarchy screenshot.
Yes, my scene objects and mesh can’t interact with 3D simulation environment at all. Screenshots from previous post represent the same code but running using simulation in one case and recording (playabck option) in second.
Does the mesh not get rendered at all while using the simulation? Also, how are you spawning or moving the blue cube? Is it supposed to be occluded as you move around the scene?
Mesh is not generated at all (on simulation). Blue cube is not moving. It has fixed position in 3D space. Occlusion works only using playback - on simulation it doesn’t work. You could have impression that it works because cube has transparent material.
Do you change anything in the scene, hierarchy, or scripts when switching from playback mode to simulation? Also are you graphic drivers up to date & how much memory does your computer have? Unity forums such as this one suggest that your computer might be running out of memory.
I don’t change anything when switching.
Indeed, my testing PC has poor parameters: 8GB of RAM + Graphic card integrated (MacBook). Anyhow all apps and testing environments runs smoothly - without any lags.
Do you mind sharing your hardware specs and screenshots of your resource usage while unity is running with the simulation?