Thank you so much for coming back to us with so much detail, that is enormously kind.
So regarding the code we haven’t really done anything bespoke yet.
We are just using the demo template from here:
I haven’t added any bespoke code beyond changing the location and importing the gab of the new location.
The location I have been testing with (that you can see in the video) is:
This is not actually the final location, just close to where we work so ultimately I will change this but I am finding the jumping that I am seeing with most of the locations we try (we have seen the same with 3 or 4 different places). What is weird is that some of the scans look quite good. Maybe you will have a view on that and it may be that we still need better scans but those did look fairly good to me.
The ultimate destination I am going to use is:
But again I am seeing a similar jumping problem here.
More specifics here….
How are you placing the anchor? (I think this has the highest chance of being the root cause, so the more detail the better)
I have done the following.
I have included the location glb.
I have put the new location name in the code.
I have included the GLB in the project.
and also added it to the list in the project browser.
(Attached image shows details).
Other than that I have not adjusted the project from the template so I think it is quite ‘vanilla’.
The way you have phrased the question is interesting too because it makes me wonder if there is another separate ‘anchoring’ step that I have entirely overlooked? Is that possible?
How are you loading the snowman?
The Snowman is loading fine at the moment. I have just swapped the GLB for the squaloons original…
I think the demo code is doing the loading and visibility toggle. Again maybe I am overlooking a step here but I don’t think so?
Do you, at any point, update the anchor or the snowman’s position in your code?
I have not written anything bespoke so whatever movement is happening is just as a result of the template implementation. I haven’t tried do anything clever yet as I am just working on the basic latching first.
And finally, can you tell me the address of the wayspot you are using? Makes it easier for me to look for and have a better idea of the scan.
For sure. I am testing on
But my final live project will be at
Thank you for the help once again.

Marcus Dyer
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