Some Scaniverse Geospatial Browser scans not showing up

  • Issue category: Scanning Framework
  • Device type & OS version: iPadOS 18.2.1
  • Issue Environment : Niantic Lightship Geospatial Browser
  • ARDK version: 3.6

Bug reproduction steps: Sometimes when scanning a POI (in my case 40.443746, -79.946328) to improve VPS quality and activate the location, the scan will succeed, and I will upload it and receive the message saying the upload has succeeded, but the scan itself is not available on the Geospatial Browser. This only happens for some scans and not for others. If the scan actually uploaded it will show up in the Geospatial Browser within 30-60 minutes, but sometimes it won’t show up at all, despite the response in the Scaniverse app saying that the upload was successful.