Scaniverse not uploading to GSB

Include the following details (edit as applicable):

  • Issue category: ARDK Documentation / VPS / Scanning Framework
  • Device type & OS version: Android
  • Host machine & OS version Windows
  • Issue Environment : On Device
  • ARDK version: LTS
  • Unity version: 2022.3.57f

Description of the issue:

  1. Hi guys, need some help please, I’m trying to upload a test scan from my office to play around with VPS, but the mesh it’s not appearing on GBS
  2. I’m pretty sure the account it’s linked, scanned the QRCode and the developer mode it’s activated same email yada yada, the only thing is I downloaded scaniverse from google play store, the link on the documentation says the app it’s not available for my account but when I search on the store it’s available, maybe I’m missing something out?
  3. Also, even after I’ve linked the account the GBS tab on the bottom doesn’t appear, I’m only acessing through the QRCode
  4. Recently I scanned using a friend iphone (without lidar) and it works fine, I was thinking it was a lidar compatibility issue but now I don’t know
  5. Found this (Important Update: Issues with Scaniverse Android Scans - #7 by Lupask) and my app it is on the version 4.0.3 that should be working right now, but it isn’t
