- Device type & OS version: Android / OnePlus 8T on OxygenOS 13.1
- Host machine & OS version: Windows 11
- Issue Environment : Unity / On Device
- Xcode version:
- ARDK version: 3
- Unity version: 2022.3.0
Description of the issue:
Hi there,
I’m integrating AR Foundation’s ARRaycastManager with Lightship’s meshing for a Demo and need advice on placing objects on the Lightship-generated mesh based on user interactions.
Challenge: I’m detecting touches in the physical world using ARRaycastManager.Raycast, but I’m unsure how to translate these hits to positions on the dynamically generated Lightship mesh for accurate object instantiation.
Can AR raycast hits be directly mapped to positions on a Lightship-rendered mesh? If yes, how?
What are the key considerations for ensuring accurate placement and good performance?
I’d appreciate any guidance or resources on this topic. Thanks!