Hi everyone,
I am having trouble with object placement in the Lightship SDK. When I try to place AR objects in my scene; they either don’t show up or are positioned incorrectly. I’ve carefully followed the documentation; but the issue still occurs. 
Below are details about the problem:
SDK Version: 1.3.0
Device: iPhone 13
Platform: iOS
I’ve tried restarting the AR session and recalibrating the device but the issue persists. I have checked Niantic Lightship Developer Documentation Power Apps documentation guide but still need help.
Has anyone else experienced this ; have any suggestions for troubleshooting? 
Thanks for your assistance! 
Hello, and thanks for reaching out! The link you provided is for ARDK 2.5, which we no longer support. If you are using any version of ARDK 2.5, you’ll want to migrate your project to ARDK 3 so I can further assist you with your issue. The migration guide can be found here. If your project is relatively fresh, you could simply start a new project with ARDK 3. After migrating to ARDK 3, I’d recommend looking over the documentation. Alternatively, you could download and inspect our samples found here for examples on how to set up any of the ARDK features. However, if the issue still persists after migrating and tying the updated documentation, let me know so I can assist you further!
If you are already using ARDK 3, could you inform me which Unity and ARDK version you are using along with what documentation guide you are following?