Need some help for the objects placing on the floor using the Basic Placement Tutorial and the Meshing Feature?

  • Unity version: 2020.3.17f1
  • ARDK version: 1.2.0
  • Device type & OS version: Android - OnePlus 9 Pro
  • Host machine & OS version: Windows 10

Description of the issue:

Hi @Stacy_Niantic, @Erik_Brown, @David_Quevedo, @Jason_Rose1, I am in the process of building one demo using the LightShip SDK. I am placing the objects on the floor using the Basic Placement Tutorial (Niantic AR Development Kit (ARDK): Basic Placement Tutorial)

I need some help for the following scenario :

After placing the objects on the floor the objects are moving along with the camera, Please check the below video:

I have instantiated the objects on the floor after creating the mesh. After placing the object on the floor I have cleared all the planes due to this reason there are no meshes in the video that I have shared.

In my case, the placed objects should not move along with the camera (I.e. The Object should be in the same position as the initial position)

I have tried to place the object on the floor in three different types of environments but still, I am experiencing these issues.

Can anyone please help me how I can resolve these issues?

Thank you.

Hi Akhil, to help solve the issue you’re having please provide a screenshot of your inspector and hierarchy window. Thanks.

Hi @Moranda_Nalls1, Thank you so much for your response.

I am attaching a screenshots of ARSceneManager, ARSceneCamera, Please check:



I have used the ARDK SDK version (1.2.0) and followed the below tutorials:

  1. Basic Placement Tutorial in Niantic Lightship - YouTube
  2. Niantic AR Development Kit (ARDK): Basic Placement Tutorial

I am also attaching the videos that I have tried to place the object on the floor in 3 different types of environments, Please check:

Hi @Stacy_Niantic, @Erik_Brown, @David_Quevedo, @Jason_Rose1, @Moranda_Nalls1, Please check the above videos that I have shared. I am placing the objects on the floor but the placed objects is moving along with the camera. In my case, the placed objects should not move along with the camera (I.e. The Object should be in the same position as the initial position).

Can anyone please give me some suggestions to resolve these issue?

Thank you.

Hi Akhil, can you please refer to the solution given in the previous post.
Let us know if this helps to resolve your issue or if you will need further assistance.

Hi @Moranda_Nalls1, I have tried the previous post solution. I have placed the objects on the floor in three different types of environments, Please check the above videos that I have shared and I am still experiencing these issues.

Can you please provide some further assistance to resolve these issues?

Thank you.

Hi Akhil, I understand. It looks like your issue was solved. Please look through your previous topics. Thanks.

Hi @Moranda_Nalls1, I am still experiencing these issues. Can you please provide some further assistance to resolve these issues?

Thank you.

Hi Akhil, I’ll take a look. Please give me some time to review the info that you’ve provided. I may reach out with additional questions as we try to narrow down the problem. Thanks.

Hi @David_Quevedo, Thank you so much for your response. Can you provide some help to resolve these issues as soon as possible?

I’ll do my best to update you as soon as I can. I’m trying to reproduce the issue based on the information that you’ve provided.

Hi again @Akhil, I was able to reproduce your issue by setting up a scene as shown in your two screenshots. The issue with your scene is that your ARSceneCamera is missing the ARCameraPositionHelper script.

So to fix the issue, you will just want to add the ARCameraPositionHelper to your ARSceneCamera, and then set Camera to your ARSceneCamera (Camera).

[EDIT: removed the not so helpful screenshot that I posted]

Hi @David_Quevedo, I have already attached the ARCameraPositionHelper script to my ARSceneCamera, Please check the above screenshots that I have shared.

Can you please provide some more help to resolve these issues?

Thank you.

My mistake, I see that you do indeed have that component already added to your scene. Let me go back and see what I can find. Apologies for the inconvenience.

Hi @Akhil, massive apologies for the additional delay.

It turns out that the issue is caused by having an ARCursorRenderer component without a Cursor Object assigned to it in the ARSceneManager.

To fix it, you can either remove the ARCursorRenderer component from your ARSceneManager, or you can assign it a Cursor Object asset (such as a cube).

We’re checking to see if this is a bug, or is working as intended. In any case, thank you for surfacing the issue, and for your patience in the matter.

Hopefully this helps to get you unblocked. Thanks!

Hi @David_Quevedo, Thank you so much for your help. The issue that I am facing gets resolved. I will reach you out if I need any further help.

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